Friday, 22 May 2015

PE - Throwing and catching

We were focussing on throwing and catching skills today's so when we are playing invasion games such as netball we can pass the ball without it being intercepted. 

Superstar Hayley.

Congratulations to Hayley for being awarded the. principals certificate at full school assembly today. Great job and  well done!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Art - weaving

We have almost finished the weaving part of our table mats. 

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Show and tell - games

This week R5 had to bring a game to school and teach a buddy how to play it. We had a wide range of games and the children had fun working together. 


We used the laptops to play Maths games as well as practising some Maths skills on Mathletics. 

Friday, 8 May 2015


In preparation for our topic work next week the children worked together to find out some more information about food and cooking 100 years ago. 

Jump Jam

It was too wet to do PE outside so we burnt off some energy doing Jump Jam inside instead. Check out our moves.