Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Maths - time

Our focus this week in on time. The children had to work in pairs giving their partner an activity to do. They then time their partner doing the activity, counting how long it took them by counting the claps. 
Rolling a dice
Building a model
Build a tower
Star jumps


The children have been learning how to weave under and over and for the last couple of weeks have been working on a wall hanging.

Some of the children finished them today. Pop into the corridor to see them on display. 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Campbell's Birthday

Campbell brought the children lollies to celebrate his birthday. 

Mid Bays Festival

We were lucky to see the Y5 and Y6 children perform some of the songs they performed at the Bruce Mason Theatre. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

I pads

The children used the iPads to play a crossword game to help with reading and spelling.

Topic work

The children all had three topic activities to work on. 
As a class we found special places in NZ and put labels up to show where they are. 

They used the computer to research information about special places in NZ. 

The children used the information to help them identify special places in their map. 

Sunday, 14 June 2015

PE - small ball skills

The children practised different ways of throwing and catching tennis balls. 

We also had a few fun races! 

Emma's show and tell

Emma impressed the class with her Chinese ribbon dance. 

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Maths - Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream

The children have been learning different strategies for solving multiplication and division problems. After reading the book Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream they put some of these strategies to use to help to solve Amanda's counting problems. The children worked in groups - team work. 

Table mats - Weaving

The children finished off their table mats and I have laminated them. Pop into class to see them, they look fantastic. 

Superstar Rylan

Well done Rylan for being awarded the principals certificate at full school assembly. 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

The Gingerbread man

The children worked together in pairs to retell the Gingerbread Man. Come and see the display in the classroom. 

Monday, 1 June 2015


Every Tuesday the children practise their gym skills. 
The bars

The beams


The mats  - floor work 

