Thursday, 30 July 2015

Ice investigation

Which is heavier? Water or ice? 

It was the ice! The ice is lighter so it floated in the water. 
Which will melt faster, ice in a glass of water or ice in a glass of air? 
The ice in the glass of water melted faster. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Ice cream in a bag

Today the children made ice cream in a bag. The ingredients went in one bag, ice and salt in the other, then shake, shake, shake! 

Then we got to eat it. Yum! 

Friday, 24 July 2015

100 days of school!

The Y2's celebrated 100 days of school in style. 
They posed for a 100 photo
They collected 100 objects

They counted 100 steps 

They ate 100 cup cakes! Thanks Vanessa - they were AMAZING! 

They all ate at least 100 things at our shared lunch! 

They made necklaces using 100 fruit loops! 

We had a fantastic 100 day pyjama party
I just need 100 hours sleep to recover! 

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Lemonade and raisins

The children watched the raisins jump up to the top of the glass as the bubbles in the lemonade attached themselves to the raisins. At the top, the bubbles popped and the raisins dropped back down to the bottom of the glass. 

Pop n fizz!

Our term 3 topic got off to an exciting start with the Pepsi and mentos experiment. The children loved watching it fizz up and came up with some great describing words. 

Friday, 3 July 2015

End of term treat.

Jake treated the class with some end of term chocolates. Yum! Thanks Jake. 

Congratulations Emil

Congratulations to Emil who was awarded the R5 Principals certificate at full school assembly. Great job Emil. 

Full School Assembly

The Y2's were amazing performing on stage at full school assembly on Friday. Well done R5 I am very proud of you all.